Eat Your DAILY Stress Busters!

Health Beyond the Body
Many times we read or are told that to have a healthy body, we must have a healthy diet. Did you know a strong contributor to how you think, your attitude, and your ability to handle daily stress (aka your mental health), is also strongly dependent upon your diet?
Generating Your Feel-Good Chemicals
Just like an unhealthy diet will cause the body not to feel good and eventually become sick, the same goes for the brain. Both the body and brain require certain nutrients to make your "feel-good" chemicals. Here's an abbreviated list of those nutrients and sources from The Weston A Price Foundation :
VITAMIN A - helps us deal with stress, ability to stay focused, complete tasks and produces feel-good chemicals. Most abundant food sources*: liver, cod liver oil, butter and (uncooked) egg yolks.
VITAMIN D - deficiency is associated with depression. Most abundant food sources*: cod liver oil, fatty fish and lard, butter and (uncooked) egg yolks
VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine) - symptoms of deficiency include mental confusion. Most abundant food sources*: pork, nuts and grains.
VITAMIN B6 - deficiency can cause confusion, depression and insomnia. Most abundant food source*: raw animal foods, such as raw or fermented milk, raw oysters, raw meat, bananas.
VITAMIN B12 - deficiency is strongly linked to depression, irrational anger and dementia. Most abundant food sources*: liver, meat and seafood
OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS - low levels are closely tied to depression. Most abundant food sources*: seafood, cod liver oil and grass-fed animal products.
GLYCINE - regulates dopamine levels and helps with both depression and anxiety. Most abundant food sources*: in gelatin-rich homemade bone broth.
VITAMIN C has been used successfully to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Most abundant food sources*: fresh fruits and vegetables.
Other nutrients include: Selenium, Magnesium, Zinc, Folate, Vitamin B3
(*all food sources should come from grass fed, wild caught and unadulterated by chemicals.)

Vitamin C - A Stress Buster
Did you know, Vitamin C is for more than just the immune system? Vitamin C is a STRESS BUSTER! It has been used successfully to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Vitamin C can play a HUGE role in stress management. Vitamin C is food for the adrenals so it will help balance cortisol, with an excellent potential side effect of lowering blood pressure to the point that Dr. Miller states, "there would be a lot fewer strokes." Vitamin C is even more efficient in supporting healthy mood and stress management with sufficient Vitamin B levels (see food sources above or Premier Max B Supplementation).
Stress is - a Vitamin C Monger
On the flip side, Vitamin C can be depleted with everyday stresses. Research indicates that almost any physical or mental stress significantly lowers Vitamin C. (Stress is a C Monger!)
A sure way of knowing you are getting Vitamin C to balance out those daily stressors, is to supplement with a pure plant-based Vitamin C. Premier Research Labs offers a Vitamin C supplement with co-factors that is gentle on the stomach (because in its natural form, it's non-acidic). Just 2 capsules supply 150% of daily value (remember a daily value is a bare minimum recommendation). The stress is already here, not to mention we are still in the cold/flu season, a stressor of its own. Don't wait until you are feeling down and depleted, start HELPING your body and brain today, eat your stress busters (the winter seasonal fruit all forms of citrus and guava is filled with vitamins C and add a magnificent nutrient, that is a pure plant-based Vitamin C!
*if out of nearby vicinity, click here to create and account and have shipped direct to you (free shipping on orders $100+)

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Tracy Coe, CPT-PMA, C-QRA Functional Health & Nutrition Practitioner CoeDynamics
TTracy Coe (CoeDynamics) 18 years certified QRA functional health and nutrition practitioner has continued to partner with Premier Research Labs (PRL) supplementation with many great client results. PRL nutrients are in-house based products with in-house lab testing from raw material to finished product, are excipient free, contain beyond organic nutrients that resonate with your body cell frequencies for optimal utilization.
For more information email or call 424.903.3104
REFERENCES 1) 2) 3) Brody S, Preut R, Schommer K, Schürmeyer T (2002) A randomized controlled trial of high dose ascorbic acid for reduction of blood pressure, cortisol, and subjective responses to psychological stress. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 159: 319-324. 4) 5) 6) 7) Bouree JM. Effects of nutrients (in food) on the structure and function of the nervous system: update on dietary requirements for brain. Part 1: micronutrients. J Nutr Health Aging. 2006 Sep-Oct;10(5):377-85
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Health statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The health information and products on this site is for education purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature Tracy Coe and CoeDynamics assumes no responsibility in treatment or cure of any disease or illness. The information provided verbally, written, electronically is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.