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Products and Services

Join a growing number of people who are improving their overall health and enjoying a more vibrant life with fitness, nutrition and whole wellness. Serving people just like you since 2003 with in-person and online support

Functional Health & Nutrition

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Tailor design health and fitness programs for prevention, address health concerns and transform your body health and mind; making a true impact on your life that looks and feels great!


Using the body's meridieans, like acupuncutre but without the needles, scalar light waves that mimic earth’s frequency bring balance and gently nudge the body to unwind stress, relieve inflammation and pain, accelerate healing, boost immune, and regenerates vitality with anti-aging effects.


Functional lab analysis gives an inside look of past present and future health trends, empowers your knowledge of what is happening within, and used to personalize programs to achieve health goals

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Nutrients that are beyond organic, nutritionally rich formulas, and are 100% free of excipients, synthetics, destructive processing, so that cells can immediately uptake and utilize

Protect Your Health from EMF Radiation - Remediation Solutions Available

Protect Your Health from EMF Radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is everywhere, causing harmful bioeffects that stress our cells and affect our health and well-being. Good news: our EMF remediation solutions can help. Browse our products and start protecting your health today.

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Transform your body, health, and mind. Discounted, private health nutrition and Pilates fitness plans, tailor designed to make a transforming impact on your health.

Pilates & Functional Fitness


Your sessions will encompass postural assessment, fascia release, muscle toning, one-on-one functional fitness training based upon your individual level and goals


One-on-one instruction, addressing your body’s individual goals and needs, while instilling the use of pure core Pilates principles


Small group privates, a great way to stay motivated, accountable and still receive personalized attention for your fitness goals

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Live online Pilates  convenient for anywhere you go. Offering individual attention follow principles of breath, alignment, centering, control, and precision

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