No Longer Avoidable BUT Can Neutralize!

Use Modern Technology with Peace of Mind - Click here EMF Remediation devices (independently tested and confirmed with multiple testing to work) for your your home, bedroom, cell phone, car, traveling, personal wearing and more.
EMF (Man-Made)
EMF (electromagnetic field/electromagnetic radiation) is energy that has no physical appearance. EMF is emitted from various sources. For this blog the focus will be on man-made electrical devices such as: wiring inside houses/buildings, wifi systems, Wi-Fi towers and power lines, smart meters, cell phones, LED lights etc.
EMF Health Hazards Studies
Biological and adverse health effects associated with prolonged EMF exposure has a historical and current library of documentation researched by many non-biased scientific studies.
- The health effects of elongated use of the cell phone dates back to 1965 Cardell et. al that demonstrated an increased risk of brain tumor and acoustic neuromas.
- A more recent report 1988 by the US Air Force, revealed also in 1956 the Dept. of Defense (DOD) called on the Armed Forces to investigate the biological effects of exposure to radio (microwave) frequency their reported conclusions were:
“a number of biological dysfunctions can occur in the human body, ranging from damage to major organs, disruption of important biological processes, to serious damage to the eye to cancer.”
- A few additional EMF research entities include:
Conclusions from the BioInitiative Report 2012 (summary of 4000 studies)
Scientific studies on EMFs - Powerwatch (engineers, scientists, medical researchers)
International EMF Alliance – International EMF Alliance ( - science and development
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety ( (archives right column)
EMF Sensitivity – A Medical Condition EMF sensitivity is now considered a medical condition, and pathological disorder (brain and nerve disease). Additional biological well-documented effects include:
- DNA damage - Hormone disturbance/endocrine imbalances - Sleep disturbance - Increased oxidative stress - Unidentified body aches - Skin condition - Arrythmia - Memory loss - Delayed cognintion (esp. elderly and youth) - Headaches - Anxiety disorder - Depression - Increased risk of cancer
EMF, 5G and “Turbo” Cancer Dr. Sherri Tenpenny DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM a brilliant and highly sought after, osteopathic medical and research doctor, 22 year background as an emergency medicine physician and highly sought after to share her research, recently completed an interview on her hosted Brighteon Show of Rob Workman and William Bathgate, both experts on the effect of EMFs on your biology, the interview can be watched here. Dr. Tenpenny indicated her substack on EMF Exposure.
“Towards the end of the interview, I asked them both if they thought there was an association between EMFs, 5G, and the ‘turbo cancers’ we are now seeing in record numbers. They both became very animated and responded with an strong “YES” and other affirmative comments. Bill made a comment, almost under his breath, that “EMFs were strongly associated with almost all pediatric leukemias.”
Use Technology with Peace of Mind Also during Dr. Tenpenny’s interview with Rob Workman and William Bathgate she inquired, “if they were familiar with EMF remediation technologies.” Robert said, “Yes, I’d test out most of them. The tools that I have found to really work are all the devices from EMF Solutions.”
Both myself and Dr. Tenpenny were very excited to hear another confirmation of EMF Solutions remediation devices which we both are affiliated with to bring peace of mind to YOU while you are using and enjoying the awesomeness of modern day technology.
Get Peace of Mind Today
Extremely easy to use EMF Sol Remediation devices are available for your home, bedroom, car, cell phone, computer devices, personal wearing and more and can be purchased through CoeDynamics.
To schedule your free home EMF exposure/remediation consultation click here!

Tracy Coe, cPT-PMA, c-QRA, c-EMF Functional Health & Nutrition Practitioner CoeDynamics
Since 2002, Tracy Coe has been guiding people from all walks of life to look and feel GREAT, through her education and practice as a PMA- certified Pilates Teacher and as a certified-QRA, EMF Functional Health and Nutrition Practitioner. Tracy applies her continuous education and 21 years of clientele practice to support the individual, family and community. Tracy’s practice offers education and guidance in fitness programming, a nutrient dense diet, safe cleansing, toxicity prevention and creating EMF energetic harmony of your surrounding environments. In effect, allowing the body and mind to restore balance for health prevention, physical transformation, addressing specific short / long term health issues and offer vibrant living.
For more information email or call 424.903.3104
Health statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The health information and products on this site is for education purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature Tracy Coe and CoeDynamics assumes no responsibility in treatment or cure of any disease or illness. The information provided verbally, written, electronically is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.