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Writer's pictureTracy Coe

Vacation Travel Companions

Vacation Travel Companions

You don’t want to leave home without them

As the summer approaches, the excitement of traveling rounds the corner. To help your prevent getting sick during or returning from your travels below lists a few prevention tips and easy to travel with travel compansions. It also lists a few easy to travel with exercise/stretching companions.

Stay Hydrated

Often times being in the middle of the excitement of a vacation, out of routine, and having a couple of vacation beverages we forget to to keep up on our water levels. So have clean water on hand so its there as a reminder to drink/sip throughout the day. Before you know it you’ll have drank ½ your body weight or more in ounces!

Health benefits of hydrating with water:

  1. regulates body temperature

  2. transports toxins out of the body

  3. lubricates joints

  4. supports proper digestion to inhibit it from becoming a breeding ground for unhealthy pathogens,

Boost the hydration of your cells (aka water’s energy) with CorePlus Water (comes in a small 2oz travel size bottle).

1 drop of CorePlus water will re-energize an entire 1 quart of any water (the cleanest you can come by). CorePlus water is pure water that is concentrated in high molecular energy. It has obtained this molecular energy simply by experiencing movement patterns that mimics natures natural flow of water (vibration and vortex motions).

The power of Lemon, Salt, & Daily One (oh my!) We often eat quite differently indulging in a variety of foods and beverages while on vacation which is fun to do but at the same time can be a little wearing on our body. The following will give the whole family a broad spectrum source of cell-resonant vitamins and minerals, which are the bodies currency of wellness and feeling good.

Travel with:

  1. a few lemons (organic if you have a choice)(rich in vitamin C excellent for anti-bacterial power)

  2. Premier Pink Salt air dried unprocessedrich in minerals (magnesium sulfur potassium phosphorus) and electrolytes that supports pH, digestion, prevents common colds, dissolves uric acid reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees.

To use: Every morning mix ½ of squeezed lemon and ½ tsp of Premier Pink Salt into 24 – 32 oz of water and drink.

  1. Premier Daily One (multi)provides broad spectrum, natural nutrition (containing chlorella, milk thistle, cordyceps, Acerola, Aloe, broccoli, and much more for promoting vitality) and is easy to travel with.

To Use: take once a day take 3 – 6 capsules Premier Daily One

Anti-pathogen & Immune boosters Vacation is time for relaxing but sometimes we’re stressed just trying to get there. Stress is a huge immune depleter and can make it harder for our bodies to ward of pathogens we come encounter with. Below are some excellent, easy to travel with powerful immune booster with anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Take any of the below at the on-set of feeling sick or under the weather and it has a great response to nip those bugs so you dont miss out on having a fun enjoyable vacation.

  1. a. Premier Oil of Oregano: Concentrated genuine oil of oregeno; naturally contains over 50 powerful, immune-specific compounds. Always keep a bottle on hand, ready for any onset of colds, flu or respiratory disturbances. To Use: Add 3 drops to 1 oz. of water and drink 2 – 3x/day. Note: can also be used topically for a bites and cuts (dilute with water or quality olive oil).

  2. b. Premier Nucleo Immune: Contains RNA & DNA strands (the building blocks of our cells). Studies show nucleotides can dead-stop a cold within hours. To use: take 4 caps up to 5 times/day for 1 – 3 days. Also delivers excellent tissue support for rapid recovery from surgery, acute injury and physical exercise.

  3. c. Allicidin: Premier live source formula of allicin an immune active agent significant for antibacterial, antifungal, larvicidal & antiviral properties. Cleansing intestines, biofilms, bacterial infections, sinusitis, etc. without garlic odor. To Use take: 2 – 4 per meal

Radiation Protection

If you are flying, did you know your body will receive more radiation from a one way trip of a distance between L.A. and NY then you would in one year on the ground?

  1. a. To avoid radiation toxicity: while standing in line through security, opt for the pat down

  2. b. To cleanse radiation toxicity, when you return from your travels: Fill your tub with warm filtered water (bath filter), add 16 oz of Premier Pink Salt and 16 oz. of non-aluminum baking soda. Submerse the entire body (except nose and mouth) into the water for 10 – 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and lightly pat towel dry youself.

Prevent or Reduce Jet Lag

  1. a. keep meals light stay off of sugar and alcohol. Heavy meals and sugar/alcohol both make your digestive system and liver work harder as they are already trying to adjust their internal clock time to keep up with us!

  2. b. Premier Melatonin This baby can re-set your biological clock eliminating or at least decreasing your jet lag factor! To Use: take 1 – 3 drops (males); 1 – 10 drops (females) at bedtime (do not take during the day).

All of the above linked products can be ordered by emailing

Keep Muscles/Joints Happy in Just 5 – 15 Minutes

I’m always getting the question, for exercise and stretching, what do I travel with?

Three simple tools that are used for stretching, core activiation, and some cardio:

  1. a. a deflated ball (that blows up with a straw to 6 – 8 inch diameter)

  2. b. a resistance band

  3. c. a jump rope

Stay tuned to next months Wellness Blogs for exercise uses/tips for each of the exercise pieces listed above

To your health & Fun, Fun, Fun, Summer Travels!

– Tracy


“You’re not sick, You’re Thirsty!” F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

Salt and our Health; Mortin Satin, PhD 3.26.2012


Disclaimer: Messages from CoeDynamics are not regulated by FDAA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.

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