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Writer's pictureTracy Coe

Salt: Friend or Foe to Your Health?

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

Salt is an essential nutrient for the body and mind. Essential Nutrient = is a nutrient that is critically required for the body and cannot be synthesized in the body from scratch and therefore must be obtained from a dietary source.

What does the body use salt for? – Regulates blood pressure and heart rhythm (in conjunction with water) – Sodium regulates fluid balance of the body cells, pH, & blood sugar – Its a causative factor of the cells sodium/potassium pump to bring nourishment into the cells and excrete waste out of the cells – Makes bones firm (27% of body’s salt is suppose to be in bones) – Needed to clear lungs of mucus & phlegm – Needed for effective digestion and absorb certain nutrients like chloride* Amino Acids and glucose (*Chloride plays an essential role in the production of digestive juices in the stomach) – Supplies electrolytes (when undamaged by heat) – Rich in trace minerals not found in other foods – Nourishes the adrenals – A powerful enzyme activator source – Stimulates nerve and muscle function – Maintain correct balance of fluid in the cells – Critical for kidneys to function* (*It is absolutely vital to our health and longevity that our kidneys function properly since they are our primary waste disposal organs and water regulators. When the kidneys are damaged they cannot properly excrete salt and other wastes, resulting in retention of water outside the cells called edema).

If you are still not convinced that salt is essential, consider (hyponatremia) Hyponatremia is an electrolyte disturbance in which the sodium ion concentration in the plasma is lower than normal. More and more research is discovering that there are more health risks when sodium levels are too low. Here are some interesting researched discoveries of how the body is negatively impacted when body level sodium is too low. •A 2009 study of large-bone fractures in the elderly found the incidence of hyponatremia in patients with fractures was MORE THAN DOUBLE that of non-fracture patients. They postulated the reason for the sodium deficiency might have been the use of selective serotonin receptor inhibitors (SSRIs), a type of antidepressant drugs •A 1995 study by the AMA published in the journal Hypertension found low urinary sodium associated with an increased risk of heart attack. •Changes in mood and appetite are among the first noticeable manifestations of sodium deficiency, since salt is a natural antidepressant.

What about high blood pressure? In brief, hypertension is driven more by excess sugar or processed salts rather then excess salt. When the body is properly hydrated, water is a means of transportation to eliminate body’s wastes this includes excess salts. The preponderance of evidence proves that sodium intake does not affect blood pressure unless you are especially sodium-sensitive due to the internal systems of the body are not effectively operating.* *It makes sense to limit your intake of refined processed salts. However, if you are healthy your body should be able to easily tolerate much higher levels of unprocessed salts. An exception would be for those who have heart failure. Because your systems are not functioning up to par then the body is very sensitive to fluid overload. Those with CHF should maintain strict sodium restrictions but should also look into the many effective natural options

Buyer Be Informed: Not all salts are equal! •All salts are NOT equal in terms of origin, chemistry, crystal structure, biological effects — or even flavor! –One is health damaging, and the other is healing. •Consider the Chemistry:

  1. The chemistry of pure low temperature air dried salt is Sodium and Chloride bond. This bond during digestion is suppose to break so chloride can be used to create Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)* and the sodium is used to help cool off the acid as it enters the small intestines.

*HCL is a natural good stomach acid and serves as the body’s natural disinfectant agent to kill of bacteria, parasites, mold, fungus that enter our bodies via food/beverages –When pure salt is heated, it solidifies the bond so sodium and chloride can not break apart to do their jobs. The body will treat this damaged salt as a toxic or waste agent which displaces more burden on the body to eliminate this it.

What kind of Salt should you be buying and eating? – the answer maybe quite simple: unprocessed, air-dried land or sea salt – but finding it may not –most commercial salts are heated over 1000 degrees as well as bleached –salt is not naturally white (black, grey, pink) are some natural shades of salt –sea salts if not completely dried can grow mold –also a majority of processed (canned, packaged, boxed, frozen) use processed salts as a preservative

Healthy Salt: Premier Pink Salt (air-dried & mineral rich) – is mined from unpolluted sea beds; dried by sun, unrefined, and has no additives To purchase your nourishing Premier Pink Salt today for less then $10 order online by clicking here (orders can be picked up at CoeDynamics

How to use – add to foods daily – two times/day add ¼ tsp air dried/untreated land or sea salt into 32 oz of water and drink all before 7pm (optional add fresh squeezed lemon juice, lemon or lime slices, mint leaves, or slice of cucumber) – Food sources of unprocessed/unheated: salt celery carrots radishes sea veggies

References “You’re not sick, You’re Thirsty!” F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. Salt and our Health; Mortin Satin, PhD 3.26.2012 www.westonaprice.orgPrinciplesof Healthy Diets www.westonaprice.orgConstipation 1/1/2000 This entry was posted in Uncategorized on February 8, 2014.;jsessionid=16CAEF820312206AF426693F83851464?ar

Disclaimer: Messages from CoeDynamics are not regulated by FDAA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.

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