EMF Room Harmonizer
- All Homes, Condos, Apartments, and businesses should use Home Harmonizer that can access either the Electric (Smart) Meter or the Fuse Box (which controls all rooms in the space). Only if you can not access these, then use this Room Harmonizers (also offered in Condo Bundle)
- Two to three Room Harmonizers can often cover an entire condo or apartment unless there are extra challenges such as having: cell towers on the roof, numerous neighbors with unremediated EMF’s, Smart (Electric) Meters close by, etc.
- NOTE: very strong EMF Culprits* that you touch or are very close to often need an extra Remediation device such as a Cell Chip (for Cell Phone), Laptop Chip (for Laptop or Tablet), Device Chip (for Router or Wi-Fi printer) (see list below)
- Easy plug-in mechanism*
- Great for
- next to a bed for super peaceful rest (if not using Home Harmonizer)
- work cubical/office/home office area whre there is a LOT of EMF (if not using Home Harmonzier
- by computer/wifi equipment (if not using Home Harmonizer)
- traveling in a hotel/other accomodation
*stronger EMF devices include: Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices include Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Wi-Fi routers, Gaming Stations, and Bluetooth Baby Monitors. It is also important to use a Device Chip on all rotating electric motor devices – like fans, inside A/C units, air purifier
- *Important usage tips:
- PRONGS are very fragile and when traveling you should keep the Room Harmonizer in its original box to protect them from breaking off.
- Works best plugged directly into the wall. NOT in a power strip or extension cord.
- Do NOT put anything metal or electrical in front of the Room Harmonizer. It is best to plug the Room Harmonizer on the top outlet so the bottom cord can hang down and out of the way (see pictures)
Possible Detox Notes (what to do)
About 20 percent of those who remediate their home and their EMF emitting devices (cell phones, laptops, etc) experience a DETOX for one day, a few days or in rare cases more. Those with current health issues such as auto-immune issues, or the elderly are often the most likely to detox.
Although this is a super positive sign of good things happening, it can feel “icky”. There are two things that you can do.
- First, slowly implement the products one at a time every 1 to 3 days.
- Second, see the Detox Protocol Sheet (for advice on how to minimize or avoid this possibility of a detox)… just click here –>disclosure
CoeDynamics services, products sold or statements are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure disease. CoeDynamics is not to replace the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician.