Boost Your Foods Nutrition (part II) This series of CoeDynamcis Wellness Blogs is indentifying ways you can increase the nutritional value of the food you eat along with delicious recipes. One major player to increasing the nutritional value of your food is knowing where your food comes from and how it has been produced. Part I discussed how the quality of soil plays a critical role to food nutrition. Today’s blog discusses how animal farming techniques can determine whether you are eating foods that are healthy or full of toxins.
Before Industrialized Farming Animals grazed on pastures. During harsh weather they ate hay (which is dried grass) or silage (which is fermented grass) or root vegetables The basis of this system was is a beautiful domino effect: – grass consumed by ruminant animals turned it into milk – pigs were fattened on milk by-products (whey and skimmed milk) – chickens and fowl feasted on bugs that hid under cow paddies and in composted manure from healthy grass-fed animals – grain from mature grass was an adjunct in diets, given to chickens to induce more frequent laying and to cattle to fatten them just before butchering Industrialized and Confined Animal Eating Operations (CAFO) Farms have become factories. CAFOs are facilities where large numbers of poultry, swine, cattle or other animal types are confined within a much smaller area than traditional pasture operations. A high percentage of today’s U.S. livestock, no longer live off the land. Instead the U.S. livestock are… – fed foods that are unnatural to their diet (grains, soy, corn) – 90 – 100% of this diet is from Genetically Engineered crops (more to come in Part III) – because the animals are lacking vital nutrients and are living in crowded feed houses that are full of animal waste and barely get light, it is perfect environment for the manifestation illness and dis-ease – as a result of the living and diet conditions the livestock are pumped with antibiotics and hormones
Why is light and eating off the land so important? – Dr. Fritz-Alpert Popp, a German bio-physicist, demonstrated cells of a body thrive on light. A body is able to absorb energized photons from the atmosphere and food. Photosynthesis transforms sun ray frequencies into green plants, tress, grasses, and herbs and when consumed releases nutrients and light frequencies… – Healthy cells emanate “light” (visible through optical equipment). This “body of light” distinguishes between being alive and dead. – Since human and animal cells thrive on light, it is essential that our food supplies contain light.
CAFO Negatively Effects the Environment •The concentration of the wastes from these animals increases the potential to impact air, water, and land quality •In following God’s natural creation, animals take care of the land and the land takes care of the animals. – The land feeds the animals, the animals nourish the land (fertilize). This is why there has never been a need for sewage treatment facilities for animal waste. – “How long will the land lie parched and the grass in every field be withered?…. the animals and birds have perished.” (Jeremiah 12:4a,c) •When manure can’t reach the soil, it festers into toxins that eventually cause animals becoming sick (now the animals are pumped with antibiotics) and the now toxic sludge drains into the land, surface and ground waters. •Excessive water and energy resources are used in order to maintain CAFO •Excess nutrients in water (nitrogen, phosphorus), can contribute to low levels of dissolved oxygen (this kills fish) •Decomposing organic matter can contribute to excessive toxic algae •Waste leakage into water resources, and can contribute to people illness •Dust and odors can contribute to respiratory problems in workers and nearby residents. •Lowering local air quality and emit greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change •CAFOs and their waste can be breeding grounds for insect vectors (houseflies, stable flies, mosquitoes) •CAFO houses excessive manure, a major breeding source of over 150 pathogens which can lead to serious infection in animals and humans. Transmission of these pathogens include fecal-oral transmission, inhalation, drinking water, or incidental water consumption during recreational water activities. Fish Farming (aka aquaculture) About half of the world's seafood now comes from fish farms and is expected to increase. Do the positives (“protecting wild seafood from overfishing”) outweigh the problems? Aquaculture is experiencing many of the same problems of CAFOs (pollution disease and inferior nutritional quality). Consider the following the next time you are buying fish.
Omega-3 fats reduced by 50% in farmed salmon, (compared to wild salmon), due to diets increasing in grain and legume (e.g. soy) feed.
Tiny prey fish (anchovies, herring) now dangerously overfished to meet feed demands of farmed-fish and is showing decline in populations of whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, penguins, and other species. (Oceana, non-profit)
Confined fish farming and unnatural diets are culprits to disease and can spread to the wild fish in the ocean as farming is often done in ocean pens.
Antibiotics, pesticides chemicals used to fight diseases/parasites kills other marine life and travel up to half a mile and persists in the water for hours.
Farmed fish waste promotes algal growth that that harms the water's oxygen content, posing risks to coral reefs and other aquatic life
I hope you are starting to understand the negative impact we are allowing to our earth and our health.
Tips to Discern Sustainably Caught Wild Salmon from Farmed – Canned salmon labeled "Alaskan Salmon" is a good bet, as Alaskan salmon is not permitted to be farmed. – Be careful of labeling: “wild” is often misused again a safe bet is "wild Alaskan." – Ask (vendor, grocery store, restaurant) where the fish is from? If they don't have an answer for you, it's a red flag that it's farmed. – Avoid Atlantic salmon, as typically salmon labeled "Atlantic Salmon" currently comes from fish farms. – Sockeye salmon cannot be farmed, so if you find sockeye salmon, it's bound to be wild. It's bright red as opposed to pale pink because of its superior astaxanthin content. Summary – Industrial Farming •These animals are imprisoned, they live in filthy crowded stalls/cages, receive no sunlight, fed unnatural and denatured foods and then pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. •Would this be your choice of beef, chicken, eggs, pork, milk, cheese, fish to eat or feed to your families? •Due to the increasing CAFO, unless you know the source of your animal food then the percentages are very high you are eating CAFO raised animals.
What To Do: •Buy from local farmers, local fish markets where you can speak to the providers. You’ll receive nutritious food from a source that you can trust, and you’ll be supporting the honest work of a real family farm. •It is not nearly as daunting a task as it may seem to find a local farmer: –Southbay local markets –Fish markets:, –, enter your zip code and find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area –get your meat and produce delivered:, (there are slew more these days)
Your Nutritional Boost Recipe

As a QRA & Wellness Practitioner, a primary focus with my clients is providing a step by step process in building a nutrient dense daily diet along with supplying recipes and teaching how to be in the kitchen efficiently and effectively. If you are seeking additional assistance to best vamp your diet for you and your family’s health, weight loss, and/or body type, to inquire about an appointment please click here or call 310.798.7600.
To Great Health & Wellness Tracy PMA-CPT, certified QRA & Wellness Practitioner
PS We love to hear from you, questions, recipe sharing, recipe feedback all References Harper's article, "The Way of All Flesh Traditional American Farming Techniques by Frank D. Gardner Dr. Bob Marshall – Founder and CEO of Premier Research Labs (aka Quantum Nutrition) and Yoshiaki Omura, M.D., Sc.D., founder of the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT).
Disclaimer: Messages from CoeDynamics are not regulated by FDAA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. It is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatments or nutritional product mentioned or suggested in these messages.

Tracy Coe, Wellness and Certified Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner In both one-on-one consultations and community educational programs,Tracy's coaching emphasizes a nutritionally dense diet and clearing the pathways of the body and mind to have a LIFE of vitality. To learn more,click here.